Including fourteen works commissioned specifically for this book, "Sound the Trumpet" offers twenty-three trumpet tunes that range from majestic and stately to thoughtful and introspective. Involve the special character of this joyous collection during postludes, preludes, recitals, and weddings. Compiled by Carson Cooman.
Blow Up the Trumpet in the New Moon - Douglas Wagner
Trumpet Tune - David Dahl
Trumpet Tune in F - Anna Laura Page
Trumpet Tune - Anthony Giamanco
Trumpet Tune in G - John Dixon
Trumpet Tune in C - Michael Ryan
A Joyful Trumpet - Patricia Harris
Fanfare and March - Matthew McConnell
Duchy Road Tromba - Dick Sanderman
The Morning Trumpet - Franklin Ashdown
Celebration Duo - Richard Williamson
Trumpet Tune in the Lydian Mode - Fenton Groden
Trumpet Tune - Robert Lau
Festivity - Gregg Sewell
The Golden Trumpet - Edward Broughton
Trumpet Processional - Donald Callender
A Renaissance Trumpeting - Sandra Gay
The Festive Trumpet - Brian Glyncannon
Trumpet Tune - Jerry McCrory
The Trumpet of Faith - Lani Smith
Samson's Procession to the Pillars - Gregg Sewell
Trumpet Rondo à la Gigue - Lani Smith
Celebration for Trumpet - Robert Thygerson
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