5 Engelse Hymns voor orgel, door Dick Sanderman
All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
NEH 333, REH 428, CP 368, LL1-3
Christ, be our light (Longing for light)
REH 12, LB 1005, OT 375
There’s a wideness in Gods mercy (Corvedale)
CP 598, REH 575, LL1-59
The King of love my Shepherd is (St Columba)
NEH 457, REH 573, CP 589, LB 1014, LL1-17
Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)
NEH 353, REH 456, CP 411, HH 715, LB 836, WK 493, OT 248, HH 86, LL2-45
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